Responsibilities of Chair and Chair-Elect for Women of Color at Penn (WOCAP)
The chair sets the vision for the year; sets dates and locations for planning meetings; provides a timeline for activities; is an ex-officio member of all committees. The chair also ensures that minutes are taken at each planning committee meeting.
The Chair-Elect assists the chair with carrying out responsibilities and setting direction for the year; assists with developing agendas for planning committee meetings; takes minutes at meetings; disseminates minutes to the Executive Planning Committee. The Chair-Elect, in the absence of the Chair, assumes the chair's function.
Committee Duties & Responsibilities
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of all the chairs of the committees and meets regularly with the chair and chair-elect. The Executive Committee assists with the planning of the agenda for upcoming meetings of the larger planning committee. Each chair is responsible for developing a vision for their committee that is within the mission of the overall Planning Committee. They are responsible for recruiting members and maintaining a list of said members. Further, chairs are responsible for developing a timeline for activities stemming from their respective committee.
Nominations & Awards Committee
The Nominations & Awards Committee is responsible for managing the nomination process for each award given by WOCAP. They distribute and collect all nominations, then present them to the committee for review and finalist selection. The Nomination and Awards committee prepares biographies of each award recipient for the program.
Logistics Committee
The Logistics Committee is responsibilities for identifying the annual award program site, selecting the caterer, recruiting volunteers, assigning hostess/ushers as needed for the day of the luncheon. The members ensure that special requirements of any program participant are met (e.g. dietary restrictions, handicap transportation, restricted accessibility, security).
Program Committee
The Program committee is responsible for identifying program content, program participants including voices of color, program presider, awards presenters, dignitaries, and special guests. Members of the committee send confirmation letters/emails to each program participant. The committee plans program format and time frames for each segment of the program.
Finance/Fundraising Committee
The finance committee is responsible for maintaining all funds for the budget and pays all invoices and expenses incurred by the committee. Fundraising is responsible for planning calendar of fundraising events. Responsibilities of Chair and Chair-Elect for Women of Color at Penn (WOCAP)
Journal Committee
The journal committee is responsible for the design and format of the awards souvenir journal, including the cover, typing, and preparing the layout for submission to printer. With the assistance of the fundraising committee, the journal committee develops advertising solicitation materials.
Communications / Engagement
The communications committee creates publications and uses communication devices to inform the Penn and surrounding community about WOCAP activities and events. It issues press releases and contacts the media outlets to insure media coverage. For example, the committee contacts the Philadelphia Electric Company to arrange building lighting to announce the awards luncheon. The internet designee is responsible for maintaining the Women of Color e-mail list. The webpage designee is responsible for reviewing for accuracy the Women of Color webpage. Committee members are responsible for coordinating social engagement gatherings.
Orientation Committee
The orientation committee is responsible for onboarding new members by fostering community engagement and being a point of contact for any concerns or needs during the orientation period. The committee will assist in the facilitation of the annual orientation meeting that includes providing the organizational history of WOCAP, discussion of benefits, and member expectations. The goal is to foster community connections and equip new members with the resources they need to succeed within this welcoming community.
Leadership Academy Committee
The Leadership Academy Committee is responsible for planning the activities of the academy cohort. The committee engages thought leaders at the university to share best practices and research on topics such as: how to leverage one's network, how to identify and utilize mentors, how to develop communication and negotiation skills, and how to brand and market yourself for moving to the next level in your leadership journey.