African-American Resource Center
AARC is a resource center dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of faculty, staff, and students at the University of Pennsylvania with a particular focus on those of African descent. Any person associated with the university may use our free and confidential services as needed.
Our services include advocacy, counseling, information & referral, workshops and informational sessions, and many advertised events throughout the year. You may also email us at aarc@upenn.edu to inquire about our services and the wonderful programs we offer.

AARC Events
Our services include workshops and informational sessions, and many advertised events throughout the year.
You can call (215) 898-0104, come by AARC @ 3643 Locust Walk, or check us out on Facebook to find out about upcoming programs and events.
Notice: "We value academic freedom and open expression. The views and opinions expressed by presenters are those of the speakers during programs listed on this calendar and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Pennsylvania or the African-American Resource Center."
3643 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3199
Telephone Numbers
Tel: (215) 898-0104
Fax: (215) 573-9117
Find us on the map