entrance to the office of the African-American Resource Center

Queen's Tea

In 2005 Oprah Winfrey held a private luncheon where “legends” in art, entertainment, and civil rights were greeted and paid homage to by the “young’uns” during one phase of her “Legends Ball.”

Two women with vision, creativity, and clarity of thought talked about the Legends Ball and said to each other, “Why can’t we do something very similar in scope here at Penn?" So they put their heads and hearts together and crafted the “Queen’s Tea.” Those two women were Dr. Valerie Allen and Mrs. Afi Heywood.

In May 2006 the African-American Resource Center, at the University of Pennsylvania, hosted its first Queen’s Tea, and established what has become a tradition at the University. The Queen’s Tea is a formal gathering that traditionally brings people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds together in a regal setting that celebrates “them.”

It is traditional for faculty, staff, students, and people from the surrounding community to don their summer dresses, gloves, and beautiful hats as they dine on a deliciously catered buffet and digest inspiring words from a local author and/or other inspirational speaker(s). Yes this is “our” time to come together to relax in the inspiring company of each other.

The Real T.A.L.K. with Women of Color: Together, Achieve, Learn, Know

The Noontime Networking Series was established in 2003. The name was changed to Real T.A.L.K. with Women of Color: Together, Achieve, Learn, Grow in 2025 to encourage broader participation. This is an informal gathering that brings together faculty, staff, students, and community from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. During the networking luncheon participants share their expertise, travels, writings, service to their communities, artistic talents, and personal stories. It is also a mechanism for introducing new employees to the Penn community.

The Real T.A.L.K. with WOC Networking Event Information

When: Usually the 3rd Wednesday of the months September – May
Where: Penn Women’s Center living room or the Arch Bldg. Room 108

Please join us! Reservations are required.

Women of Color at Penn Bulletin Board

To learn about events and programs, go to the AARC calendar.



Dr. Allen surrounded by orchids at a podium at the Sheraton Hotel

Leadership Academy

The leadership academy was the dream-child of Joann Mitchell and was actualized under  WOCAP Chair Desirae Cesar. It has been developed for those who wish to understand, navigate, and develop skills essential for a successful career in higher education and other advancement opportunities.

This is accomplished by exposing participants to thought leaders at the University, sharing best practices and research of University leaders, exploring how to leverage one's network as well as how to identify and utilize mentors; developing communication and negotiation skills as well as learning how to do individual branding and marketing that will take you to the next level in your leadership journey.

Annual Women of Color Day

The National Institute for Women of Color (NIWC) has proclaimed March 1st National Women of Color Day. Penn, UPHS, Presbyterian and Pennsylvania Hospital seek to increase our awareness of the talents and achievements of women of color.

Their is a recognition of people whose special commitment and dedicated service to their workplace in the Delaware Valley have made a difference for women of color. We hope you will join us for the annual uplifting and inspirational celebration.

Annual Women of Color Day Event Information

The annual celebration which includes an awards luncheon traditionally takes place on the 3rd Friday in March from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. 

Please join us!

Go to Program Registration.

3643 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3199

Telephone Numbers
Tel: (215) 898-0104
Fax: (215) 573-9117

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