The 2025 Day of Service Projects will either be in-person or presented via a video conferencing service.  Check the calendar under "Events" for how to access each listed program. The list of projects include:

  • Day of Service Kick-Off Breakfast for Volunteers with Keynote Address
  • A Pocketbook Full of Toiletries and Sock Stuffing Projects
  • No Sew Blanket Making and No Sew Dog Blanket Making Projects
  • Community Beautification Project
  • Penn Reads Literacy & Children's Project 
  • The College Admissions Process
  • Class of '80/Sayre Mentoring Program
  • The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Vigil
five volunteers painting a classroom
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health care professional testing someone's blood pressure
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volunteers in a school hallway using poles for repairs near a ceiling
3 / 5
young volunteer taking a blood pressure reading for an older person
4 / 5
three student volunteers painting a doorway
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History of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

The first national King holiday was observed in 1986, eighteen years after Dr. King’s death. In 1988, appalled by the lack of commitment and understanding of Dr. Kings’ lifetime of service to others, Pennsylvania Secretary of Labor and Industry Harris Wofford, and his executive assistant, Todd Bernstein realized the national observance was becoming for millions just another day off. These two men decided to organize a day of service—a day with the theme, “A Day On not A Day Off.”

In 1996, in conjunction with the Greater Philadelphia Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, the University of Pennsylvania added this Annual Day of Service to the celebrations already being coordinated by the African-American Resource Center throughout campus.

Dr. King with daughter, Yolanda

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with his daughter Yolanda King. (Image: James Karales)

In 2001, the University’s then president, Dr Judith Rodin made the King holiday an official University day off to allow students and staff to participate in service activities. 

Initially, the Day of Service activity, consisted of a group of volunteers cleaning and painting at a community site. Typical sites were schools, social service agencies and recreational facilities in West Philadelphia. After several years, plans were made by the Day of Service Planning Committee to expand the number and type of service projects to include indoor activities suitable to families with young children, seasoned citizens and the physically challenged.

Through radio, television and print media knowledge about the breath and variety of service projects sponsored by the University became widespread. Community members beyond the University and the West Philadelphia community began to join the projects. 

"It is not enough to know that two and two makes four, but we've got to know somehow that it's right to be honest and just with our brothers. It's not enough to know all about our philosophical and mathematical disciplines, but we've got to know the simple disciplines of being honest and loving and just with all humanity. If we don't learn it, we will destroy ourselves by the misuse of our own powers."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Address at the Fiftieth Anual NAACP Convention, 17 July 1959, New York.

3643 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3199

Telephone Numbers
Tel: (215) 898-0104
Fax: (215) 573-9117

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